School Education Department hnuaia Group D Muster Roll mi 54 lakna tura Advertisement tihchhuah tawh chu “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016” in a sawi angin Disable quota Post 3 (pathum) a awm avangin dilna form lakchhuah leh thehluh theih hun Ni 3 June thleng tih chu Ni 14 June, 2019 thleng pawh sei a ni.

        Disable quota dil theih chu hetiang mite hi an ni:
1.     Visually Impaired (Low vision/Blind)        - 1 Post
2.     Hearing Impaired (Partially Deaf)             - 1 Post
3.     Locomotors Disability                                - 1 Post
    -         One Arm affected (R or L)
    -         One Leg affected (R or L)



Director of School Education
Mizoram : Aizawl